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Author Topic: New Vip System  (Read 588 times)

Offline [S4S]Leon

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New Vip System
« on: September 28, 2011, 03:34:10 Wed »
Hello Guys we Have Vip System On Our Server

Other Commands:
/vipps -> with this command you see that V.I.P are online...and they has order by V.I.P level
Use ! in front of your text to speak on V.I.Ps Chat!

V.I.P commands level 1:
/mytime -> With this command you set your time!
/myweather -> With this command you set your weather!
/myvw ->This command are used to set your virtual world!
/mycolor -> With this command you set your color!
/vspec -> Spectate a player!
/vspecoff -> Stop spectate a player!
/spawnme -> With this command you will be respawmed!
/vcmds -> V.I.P commands!( Alls )
/ltc[1-13] -> With this command you give a tuned car!
/viphouse -> With this command you teleport to V.I.Ps House ( jizzy club )
/vspa -> V.I.Ps Special Actions( holds + jetpack )
/stophold -> Stop holding a object!

V.I.P commands level 2:
/vsaveskin -> Save your skin and load it one next time you connect the server!
/dontuseskin -> Stop to use skin that you saved!
/vweapons -> Weapons for V.I.Ps
/vipgoto -> Teleport to a player!
/vasay -> A message to all players!
/vipgod -> Infinte health!

V.I.P commands: level 3:
/vkick -> Kick a player!
/vget -> Teleport a player to your location!
/rw -> Runing Weapons Set!
/MaxAmmo -> Add max ammo to all weapons what you own
/vannounce -> Announce for all players
« Last Edit: October 19, 2011, 03:13:44 Wed by [GTA]LEON »

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